Saturday, April 5, 2008

NYU Hosts Career Fair for Partnership Schools

What: 2008 NYU Career Fair for Partnership Schools
Date: Monday, May 12
Time: 3:30pm-6:30pm
Location: Eisner & Lubin Auditorium (4th Floor) at the Kimmel Center for University Life, Washington Square South, on the corner of LaGuardia Place)

Public Hearing: State of Arts Ed in NYC Public Schools

On April 8, The New York City Council Committee on Education jointly with the Cultural Affairs Committee will be hosting an oversight committee on “The State of Arts Education in New York City Public Schools.” 10 a.m.Council Chambers, City Hall.

Members of the public can sign up to testify at the hearing by filling out a request at the desk of the Sergeant of Arms which is located to the council’s left hand side of the dais at the time of the hearing. Testimony is limited to three (3) minutes. If you are able, the council requests that those testifying bring twenty (20) double-sided copies of their written testimony to the hearing HOWEVER, copies are not required in order to testify.

Participants can expect to be giving their testimony individually or as part of a panel directly to council members in attendance. The Department of Education is given the opportunity to testify first, followed by the principals and teachers union and then the general public. Council members may choose to ask questions of participants and often do.

NYC New Schools Initiatives Open House

The NYC Department of Education is holding a 2009 New School Development Open House Thursday, May 1st from 5:00-7:00PM at Murry Bergtraum High School for Business Careers (411 Pearl Street, New York, NY 10038). Register for the event here.

The event will focus on the city's "priorities" for new school creation and give information about the process for starting a new school, as well as partnership organizations that are supporting the new schools initiatives.